“Zamar” E-mail Discussion Group






To the Syriac Orthodox faithful,


The Syriac Music Institute (Beth Musiqi Suryoyto) is pleased to announce Zamar, an e-mail discussion group dedicated to the study and practice of Syriac musicology.  Zamar aims to serve as a crossroad for the Syriac musicology community—representing diverse backgrounds—for academic inquiry, intellectual exchange, and practical application in the field of Syriac musicology.

Zamar also aims to serve as a forum to connect Syriac music practitioners, musicians, vocalists, clergy, and choir leaders for the exchange of news, events, projects, and emerging opportunities.

The Zamar Moderating Team will ensure that the Zamar discussion group remains informative, supportive, thoughtful, engaging, and beneficial to all members.

To subscribe and become a member of the group, please click here. Subscription to the group is free.  For more information, please visit the Zamar group home page. The creation of this group was made possible through the generous support of Mr. and Mrs. Sait Samuel to the Syriac Music Institute.

The Syriac Music Institute is proud to serve the Syriac musicology community through the Zamar e-mail discussion group.  We look forward to engaging!

Thank You – Tawdi

Gabriel Aydin, PhD

Founder and Director of the Syriac Music Institute